A Wifey Momma

Mommy and Prince Bendyk

Direct TV to Kill BOREDOM

For almost three months of being away from the Internet (for me it was a complete absence since I can't do the things that I'm used to online), I have come to love watching TV from morning until midnight. Changing channels every now and then just to find the best TV program to kill my boredom was part of my daily routine.

But I'm not yet satisfied watching three to five channels only. So I guess, I will consider subscribing for a Cable TV. I was actually looking for the right cable to subscribe for when Direct TV came in just on time. Upon checking on its site, I was astounded and very much excited to enjoy a great deal of Theater style TV marathon at home.

Plus, it has a lot of freebies to offer us guys! I am now very excited to get a Direct tv soon.

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