A Wifey Momma

Mommy and Prince Bendyk

CURRENTLY...I am into...


1. What book are you reading? none yet but I'm already pushing myself to continue reading the "Purpose Driven Life".
2. What are you listening to? Laughter and chats of teens around here inside the cafe...
3. What are you wearing? Collared orange shirt and pink shorts
4. What are you drinking or eating? None as of now I just had my dinner, chicken adobo and rice, RC cola and mango.
5. Who are you dating or crushing on? I am dating with the 2 boys in my life, my hubby and my little prince...As to who I am crushing on? I'll do the hunting hahaha joke!
6. Who are you talking to? None...No one is online in my list...
7. What mood are you in? full of hope again...
8. How is the weather outside? hot, summer is fast approaching, grrr!
9. What's the date and time? March 5, 2009 at 9:46 pm
10. What do you wish you were doing? Traveling around the world and shopping endlessly hahaha!

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