A Wifey Momma

Mommy and Prince Bendyk

It's a Real Thing!

I arrived home at 12 noon today. And I have already eaten my lunch. I'm actually ready for a "goodnight" sleep when I decided to peek on my lappie first. Anyway, it was a great shift for me from 10pm until 9am today. I have taken calls from nice grannies and everything was addressed right. There may be times when it's hard to deal with oldies like them, but I also feel pity for them especially those grannies who would mention about their condition. Some of them would wish to change their address for the first line only since they are already living in a nursing home. And some would even mention that what makes their day alive is when they get to read our magazines.
My heart melts everytime I hear stuff like that huhuhu! If only I can comfort them...Anyway, enough for sniffy rants...I better get off from here. I'm super sleepy now ZzzzZzzzz...

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